Photography: See what I see.

Photography is all about perspective. When you look at a photo that someone else has created, it shares a lot about how that person views the world, whether it be the subject, the composition, the color, the focus, or the actual perspective of the piece itself. Engaging in one of my photographs is stepping into a moment of my life and experiencing it for what I saw.

A recurring theme in much of my photographic work is the concept of time. It continuously intrigues me and requires me to view the world through different lenses. From Long exposures to time-lapses, motion blur to gutters in a comic, time is ever present.

SolargraphPortraitureAstronomyEventNatureArchitectureSpinning HeadsPainter

About Scott:

As a local to Portland, Oregon, much of my inspiration comes from the outdoors, and anything I can do to mesh the natural world and the ditigal one is of interest to me.